Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Over the years that I been making murals and installations, a question that people have kept asking What is Art and who’s idea of art is considered art? I always have mentioned that art is subjective and what appeals to some may not appeal to others. There are ways one can become more aware and informed, awaken our appreciation of the many different styles, movements and mediums.
I believe that our audience needs to be exposed to all styles of art, not just paintings and sculptures. If an artist tries something new it’s like listening to foreign language for its viewers.  If we learn the language of the art and understand better what many of the great painters were trying to express, perhaps we might make a deeper connection with diverse styles and genres of art.
Every Friday I try and watch a movie in a theatre, go for an art exhibition on the weekends. I love to see how people react, every sort of art be it visual, performing or fine art is open for criticism and appreciation depending on its audience. Art is subjective, and that’s it. Creating and viewing visual art makes an excellent hobby. Fine art has a value that cannot be measured monetarily and it can enrich others lives in ways no other medium can. Appreciating art is a valuable part of our society that improves our understanding of the world around us.

Visual art
for instance inspires others to help others and can be used as an effective advertising tool for philanthropy. Art designed this way compels individuals to improve their society and to love their neighbor. Try and expose yourself to every form of art. The more you see the more you will understand, art is what you make of it, always try and talk to artist about his creation it will give you a better idea and insights that you might have missed.
I have a message for all aspiring artists out there, keep dreaming, keep creating never stop as creativity is endless.

Friday, 9 March 2012

The Hibernating Artist

For all of my friends(artists and non-artists) who may wonder what has happened to me over the last two months since I may seem to have vanished Or to those who question whether I've moved away because I'm not answering my phone(especially those who know my personal schedule)...rest assured that I am fine and simply enjoying my artist hibernation.

Over the last few months I have been busy painting and creating a new theme for my upcoming exhibitions for 2012. The only time a man thinks is when he's alone and I come across this in myself every time this part of the year. I will be posting a glimpse of my works shortly.